What Is Reconciliation?

Reconciliation means having mutual respect and integrity for one another. It means honouring nation-to-nation relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Reconciliation can only happen when people are aware of what has happened in the past and know about the current realities of Indigenous life.  Reconciliation is a commitment to working towards a better future for everyone.

Reconciliation means addressing historic and contemporary harms - this includes acknowledging the impacts of colonization, Residential Schools, and harmful government policies. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada  (TRC) described reconciliation as “establishing and maintaining a mutually respectful relationship between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in this country.” The TRC also highlighted the importance of knowing, understanding, and atoning for past harms.

Jay Jones, a second-generation survivor of the Residential Schools discusses what reconciliation means for Indigenous People and non-Indigenous Peoples.